Cauliflower Snowball Starter Live Plants - 6 Seedlings
Cauliflower Snowball Starter Live Plants - 6 Seedlings
Cauliflower Snowball Starter Live Plants - 6 Seedlings

Cauliflower Snowball Starter Live Plants - 6 Seedlings

Regular price $10.99 $0.00 Unit price per

A self-blanching variety, Snowball Cauliflower does not require tying the leaves to protect the heads. Cauliflower is a cool season crop, and most gardeners start seeds indoors in the spring and transplant to the garden. When growing, keep in mind that cauliflower is more sensitive to the cold than others in the cabbage family. Can also be planted as a fall crop.

Plant Type: Vegetable
Fruit Size: 6"
Grows Best In: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 65-75 Days
Growth Type: Spring
Seedling Spacing: Sow 22-24" apart in rows

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