Grey Zucchini Summer Squash Starter Live Plants - 4 Seedlings
Grey Zucchini Summer Squash Starter Live Plants - 4 Seedlings

Grey Zucchini Summer Squash Starter Live Plants - 4 Seedlings

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Grey Zucchini or Mexican Zucchini is a heat resistant variety that produces a light green squash that is flecked with grey. It is very popular in the Southwest and Mexico. Fruit sets all summer long making it terrific for the home garden. The fruit is straight and cylindrical and should be harvested when about 6 inches long for the most tender and mild flavor. 

Plant Type: Vegetable
Fruit Size: 6" Long
Grows Best In: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 55 Days
Growth Type: Summer
Seedling Spacing: Sow roughly 4' apart in rows

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